Tutorial for US3 Mounting on UHost
Before mounting, we have already created a UHost in the Bangkok region and a US3 (name:‘test123123’) in the Hongkong region.
Create a new token for US3 in the Hongkong region.
Record two values:
1. Public key
2. Private key.
Execute this command to download the tool for mounting:
curl -o us3fs https://ufile-release.cn-bj.ufileos.com/us3fs/us3fs_2.1.0
Edit the `/etc/us3fs.yaml` file and add the following information (create the file if it doesn't exist):
access_key: ************************************ (Public key)
secret_key: ************************************ (Private key)
endpoint: reference (Select the endpoint of US3 region)
hosts: []
Execute the following commands to mount:
chmod +x us3fs
./us3fs --passwd=passwd_file <bucket name> <mountpoint>
Create a file named 'a.txt' at the mount point, then check in the US3 console to verify that the file has been synchronized, indicating that the mount was successful.
Browse At Random.
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